
Cloisterwood is a hermitage for the mind. A place to go when there is no place to go. A place where only you have discovered the Way. Designed to share thoughts and images among those who seek peace, quiet and contemplation.

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Location: Fern Creek, Kentucky, United States

Friday, February 08, 2008

Spirits Among Us

_ Photo of Nada Loutfi, pianist, from her website

Who are these spirits among us that we know are there, yet we cannot see? Loved ones, surely, who have passed on to the dimension of their destinies; they among others more mysterious. Lingering, perhaps returning, to prompt us to remain aware of " The Present Moment ". Beseeching us to stop these stories in our mind of things to come and of times that have passed. " Be still ", they urge. Breathe stillness. Live now. Better to live in this moment than to chase the future or try to alter memories. Phil Miller


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