
Cloisterwood is a hermitage for the mind. A place to go when there is no place to go. A place where only you have discovered the Way. Designed to share thoughts and images among those who seek peace, quiet and contemplation.

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Location: Fern Creek, Kentucky, United States

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Open Letter To A Friend re: Measures of Time

Question: " Phil, what measures of time were you capturing in that photograph? What did you see that made you think of the title?"

Thanks for your question regarding the photograph in " Measures of Time ", recently posted.

While there appears to be a theme in the photograph, and a case can be made that there is one,
my original intent was simply to catch the sunlight shining through the vase that was projected onto the wall. I simply saw it as beautiful and striking at the time. On looking at it later I could see a theme emerging:

The candle burns in dark of night, the flowers are seasonal, the clock is a standard, the shadows around the brass horse plaque denote time of day and seasonal angle of the sun .... as do the prismatic glows through the water and glass of the vase. The seated/reading monk can be viewed as emblematic ( emblematicus ) of the historical past blended with the present.

No doubt there are other "measures" one could imagine and if you find more, please let me know. Thanks for the question and even more for your interest.



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